Vampire the masquerade combat
Vampire the masquerade combat

vampire the masquerade combat

Thug 1’s attack and Juana’s attack resolve simultaneously. Question 2: Is that right? The rules say the surprisers go first, but it also says the PCs declare who they are attacking before the NPCs do.Īssuming there is NO surprise round where the Thugs get a free attack… then the order of rolling dice is… pretty much everyone at once! GM then says Thug 1 targets Juana, Thug 2 targets Aileen and Thug 3 moves to block the ladies’ escape route, waving a baseball bat threateningly.

vampire the masquerade combat

Aileen will defend and use a minor action to draw a knife. GM asks what the PCs are doing… Juana will fight back. Question 1: Is Turn 1 supposed to be a surprise round where the Thugs deal out damage and there is no opposed defence/attack roll by the PCs? Basically are the Thugs calculating damage on number of successes rolled minus the 1 success required for Difficulty 1 and the PCs don’t get to react until Turn 2? OR is it calculated on number of successes minus the 1 for Difficulty 1 surprise attack then also minus the successes rolled by the PCs? Situation… 3 thugs leap out of a darkened alleyway in an attempt to mug Juana and Aileen.

  • Close combat between already engaged parties.
  • Initiative order is the simple version from page 125 of the core rules. I used the gangster template on p371 of the Core Rules. Side 2 are NPCs (SPCs): Thug 1, Thug 2, Thug 3. (Note: Celerity does not give you extra actions like it did in earlier editions of VTM). Aileen has a Celerity power which lets her add 1 dice to a Dex + Athletics defence roll, once per turn. Juana has a Potence power which lets her do aggravated damage to humans. Side 1 are PCs: The vampires Juana and Aileen from the quickstart pregen characters. (Let me know if this question covers too many things and should be broken up into chunks). Could you please read the example below and say what is correct or is just plain wrong? Subsidiary questions are in italics below. (It doesn’t help that ‘difficulty’ has a new meaning in VTM5e than it did in earlier versions of WoD).

    vampire the masquerade combat

    So below is how my brother and I think it works, and the bits which still puzzle us. Mainly because they have no examples of how a whole combat plays out, just snippets of different rules in several different conflicts. I’ve read the Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition rules, and even begun typing a cheat sheet, but I’m still confused about the combat system.

    Vampire the masquerade combat